As we come to the end of 2024, I reflect on what has been a truly extraordinary year — my first full year as Principal in this special Mercy community. I feel so privileged to lead Mercedes College, a community filled with incredible students, dedicated staff, and supportive families. This year has been one of growth, learning, and countless moments of joy and sisterhood, and I am grateful for the warm welcome and support that I received.
The past two weeks have been a wonderful way to wrap up the school year. Our Year 8 students impressed everyone with their creativity and curiosity during the Passion Projects Exhibition, while our Year 10s demonstrated great teamwork during their annual Dragon Boating competition — congratulations to McAuley House on their victory!

We have celebrated milestones, including the 100-Year Anniversary of our Chapel of the Immaculate Conception, which brought together alumni, families, Sisters of Mercy, and former staff for a moving reflection on the history of this sacred space. Our students also embraced the spirit of the season, spreading joy through carols in the city and preparing Advent hampers as part of their Compassionate Christmas Day.

For our Year 9 students, The Rite Journey Camp and Closing Ceremony marked a significant milestone in their transition from childhood to adulthood. It was heartwarming to witness the powerful connections between students and their families as they reflected on their journey and achievements this year.

We acknowledged the achievements of our students across various areas. At the Sports Presentation Afternoon, we recognised the incredible efforts of our student athletes and coaches, inspired by guest speaker and two-time Olympic Rower Giorgia Patten. We also cheered on our Year 8 badminton players, who represented Mercedes at the Badminton WA Schools Tournament.

We also announced that our 2025 Head Girl, Billie-Rose Francis, was selected as a delegate for the 2025 National Schools’ Constitutional Convention in Canberra, a prestigious opportunity that makes us immensely proud.
As we look now to the summer holidays and Christmas, I want to thank each member of our community for their contribution to making 2024 such a memorable year. To our students, thank you for your energy and achievements; to our staff, for your tireless dedication; and to our parents and families, for your ongoing support.
I wish you all a safe, restful holiday season and a joyous Christmas spent with loved ones. I am already looking forward to 2025 and all the opportunities it will bring for us to grow, achieve, and continue building our remarkable Mercedes College community. See you next year, when we will welcome the return of all students on Monday 3 February.
Dr Lucie McCrory
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD)
All Australian governments implement an annual national data collection on school students with disability. This data collection does not apply just to students with an identified disability, but for all students in the College community that receive learning adjustments. Please click here for detailed information on NCCD.
Parent Code of Conduct
Our Parent Code of Conduct helps us identify how we interact and engage in partnership whilst keeping the best interests of students at the centre of our decision-making and care. Details of which can be found by clicking HERE.