Mercedes College currently has three part-time psychologists who provide a range of direct and indirect services to the College community, designed to enhance the educational and personal wellbeing of students. The College Psychologists may assist members of the community with the following areas:
- Short-term counselling on matters which may impact students at school. These may include social, emotional and mental health issues. On occasion, outside of school counselling may be recommended.
- Working with students, parents and teachers to modify or improve the learning skills and environment for the student. On occasion this may involve psychological testing and/or the recommendation for outside of school assessment and intervention.
- Helping to develop and facilitate programs designed to enhance the wellbeing and resilience of students and staff.
- Promoting and implementing Positive Education within the whole College community.
- Formulating and revising relevant policy documents.
- Being members of the Pastoral Council and the Crisis Response Team.
Please note that all requests for consultation and appointments with the College Psychologists are made through the relevant Head of Year.
More information on the psychology service can be found HERE.