Mercedes College caters for girls from Years 7 through to Year 12. The College encompasses the three learning communities of Years 7 and 8, Years 9 and 10 and Years 11 and 12.
The College offers a broad curriculum and a holistic view of education designed to develop the academic, cultural, service and spiritual potential of our students.
Our curriculum aims to:
- Develop the whole person within a caring and supportive Christian Catholic environment and witness to the values and teaching of the Gospel.
- Promote excellence and the highest educational outcomes within a non-threatening learning environment.
- Guide students to be self-directed, critical thinkers who take ownership of their educational journey and persevere to achieve their personal best.
- Graduate women with a sense of who they are, and of the influence they can have in the world.
Mercedes College is first and foremost a Catholic School. Its story is one of total dedication to the witness of the values and teaching of the Gospel integrated with the tradition of Mercy. As such, the College acknowledges that the first Learning area in a Catholic school curriculum is Religious Education. All students, regardless of religious persuasion, join in the Religious Education program which is designed not only to promote the knowledge and understanding of the Christian message, but also to meet the needs of young people as they embrace the religious challenges of life in the 21st Century.
The Perth Archdiocesan Religious Education Course produced by the Catholic Education Office of WA forms the core of the Religious Education program at Mercedes.
The Mercedes College academic curriculum is structured around the State Government mandated Curriculum Framework and the developing Australian Curriculum.
Subjects offered at Mercedes are structured around providing opportunities for students to achieve across nine Learning Areas: Religious Education, The Arts, English, Health and Physical Education, Languages, Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences, and Technology and Enterprise.