Career education is focused on not only providing information but also on supporting and providing opportunities for students to grow their capabilities in managing their own career development. Career development activities need to help young people understand how multiple factors influence career decisions. At Mercedes College we are committed to offering students the opportunity to participate in a variety of career development programs that provide students with learning activities designed to help them reach their unique career potential.
Year 11/12 Pathways
Students have access to assistance with changing courses, VET Certificate qualifications, enabling courses, and preparation for University and TAFE, employment opportunities, workplace learning, and scholarship applications. Guest speakers from University, TAFE, Industry and TISC visit the college to speak to students about entry pathways and programs offered by their respective educational institutes.
Career Counselling Interviews
Students are invited to make appointments for one-on-one guidance interviews.
Course Selection Interviews
All Year 10 students and their parents/guardians participate in a personalised interview prior to selection of courses for Years 11 and 12.
Year 10 Programs
Students participate in several days of career development during the school year.
Workplace Learning
Students have the opportunity to participate in the Workplace Learning course, which aims to provide students with the knowledge, workplace skills and attitudes values within work environments, as a preparation for future employment. As part of their formal education, students attend the workplace one day a week, or they may participate in block placements, developing technical skills and knowledge that will enhance their employability. Workplace Learning provides students with the opportunity to further their achievement of specific overarching learning outcomes from the Curriculum Framework.
Australian Qualifications Framework
Students at Mercedes College have the opportunity to complete nationally recognised VET qualifications under the Australian Qualifications Framework. Certificate Courses are offered by WA TAFE and various fee for service Registered Training Organisations.
Careers & Transition Co-ordinator
Phone: 08 9323 1378
Careers Websites
Defence Jobs
Your Career
Jobs and Skills
Year 13
TAFE Websites
North Metropolitan TAFE
South Metropolitan TAFE